Meat Material: Weight [gms]
Pork lean,ground finely 700 gms.
Pork backfat,ground finely 300 gms.
Ingredients: Household Measure Weight [gms]
Curing Mix:
Salt, refined 1 t 12.00
Curing salt 1/2 t 2.00
Phosphate 1 t 3.00
Vitamin C powder 1/4 t .50
Chilled water 1/4 cup 62.50
*To dissolve the 4 ingredients
TVP 1/4 cup 18.00
Isolate 1 t 5.00
Caragenan 1 t 2.50
In 1/2 cup water add 1/4 cup Textured Vegetable Protein [TVP]. Hydrate for 3
minutes. Add 1 tsp. Caragenan and 1 T Isolate.
Sugar, refined 2 1/2 t 25.00
Nutmeg or Luncheon
Meat seasoning 1 t 1.20
White pepper 1 1/2 t 3.00
Meat enhancer 1/2 t 1.22
Vetsin [MSG] 1/2 t 1.50
1. Chill meat and backfat before grinding. Grind port and backfat using a fine plate.
2. Measure or weigh all the ingredients. Mix meat with backfat and mix with curing
mix until tacky. Add hydrated extenders little until well blended. Finally
add the seasonings. Mix well.
3. Put in white plastic container, cure in the refregarator overnight [8-12 hours].
4. The next day, remix for 3-5 minutes and stuff into nylon shrinkable casing or in a
rectangular mold.
5.Steam at simmering temperature for 1 1/2 hours. Internal temperature should be
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